In 2013 a small group of civil society stalwarts set out to acknowledge the contributions of these unsung heroes. The heroes of Singapore are found in this book, and The T Project is proud to stand alongside all the giants that has shaped our lives.
Putting the T in LGBT By Oliver Lim
It is a hot Sunday afternoon; I sit comfortably on the sofa of a typical four-room Sengkang flat ready to interview my friend June Chua on her advocacy work in Singapore. I first met June a year back as a qualitative health researcher working on HIV issues. Fresh out of university, I knew little about the transgender community in Singapore. That was to change when I met the acclaimed June Chua.
June’s tiny dog Pepper jumps up and down, running around me, excitedly greeting her new-found friend. Her apartment is filled with modern art work collected from Singapore and abroad. “Very nice, right?” she exclaims excitedly. “This is what makes me happy!”
Read more about the The Launch of The Art Of Advocacy here!