Donate Now and Get Rewarded | The T Project

The T Project Fundraising Campaign 2019


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raised from this campaign.

This fundraising campaign ended on 26 January 2020. Thank you for all your generous support!

If you would like to support us, learn more here.

The T Project Needs You

For the past five years, The T Project has been supporting Singapore’s transgender community. With the country’s first shelter for homeless transgender individuals, and the new Alicia Community Centre established as a safe space for genderqueer people, we empower our community to live fairytale lives as their truest selves.

From the day that T Project founder June Chua set up the first iteration of our shelter, we have been blessed with an incredibly loving, empathetic and passionate base of supporters. We will never not feel wowed by the generosity of those who have understood and rallied around our cause. It can be difficult to be trans in Singapore; it can also be difficult to openly and vocally champion trans rights as an ally - but so many have stepped up over the years to do just that.

We have grown so much since our humble beginnings - never more so than in the past 12 months. Besides the opening of the Alicia Community Centre, 2019 has seen us greatly expanding our trans-friendly services… and best of all (drumroll please), we were finally registered as a non-profit! This is a landmark step for The T Project. It means that we are on our way to proper oversight and governance, and that we finally have a corporate bank account!


OUR SERVICES for the transgender community

The T Project is the only holistic social service provider for the transgender community in Singapore. In total, The T Project has served more than 500 individuals to date, including shelter residents, food ration beneficiaries, counselling clients, and workshop attendees.

SHELTER: The T Project started out in 2014 as a shelter for the homeless transgender community in Singapore, helping trans women (mainly) to find their feet during periods of crisis. Trans women in Singapore still, unfortunately, face substantial amounts of discrimination and exclusion from family, employers and society at large. We are so proud to have helped many shelter residents find more stable work and housing for themselves. Beyond the shelter, we work to provide basic necessities to transgender people as well - for example, with our food ration delivery programme for low-income trans people across the nation.

SAFE SPACE: At the end of 2018, we launched the Alicia Community Centre. Located in Kovan, ACC is a much-needed safe space for trans individuals (especially the youth). The premises are home to a small library of books on gender, as well as a small museum of local transgender history.

COUNSELLING: At ACC, we offer the only counselling service in Singapore that specialises in issues of gender identity. We also offer various support groups. Since the counselling service launched in January, it has seen a significant number of clients - signalling to us that such a service is badly needed in the country. Counselling is currently provided by two volunteer counsellors; however, with your help, we are hoping to increase that number to keep up with demand for the service.

EDUCATION: With the help of passionate collaborators, we organise regular classes to benefit the transgender community, on subjects ranging from mental health and effective communication techniques to pilates. We also run a sensitivity training workshop to educate the public about the complexities of gender identity.

The transgender community has long been left out of society. But things are slowly improving. The T Project and Alicia Community Centre fulfill needs that are not addressed anywhere else on this island. With innovative new programmes (such as a guidebook on transgender health!) in the pipeline for 2020, we need your support more than ever.


how can you help?

Our fundraising goal for this campaign is $100,000. It’s the most we’ve ever attempted to raise, because we’re operating on a much larger scale than ever before. We need this amount by 22 January, 2020 to ensure that our most important services can continue without delay.

These funds will allow us to:

  1. Finally hire transgender staff. We have long dreamed of being able to actually create jobs for trans people, and we are so close to achieving this!

  2. Keep our low-cost counselling service, support groups and other programmes running

  3. Publish a guidebook on transgender health in 2020

  4. Pay rent and overhead on our homeless shelter and the Alicia Community Centre

  • Rent (35%)
  • Staff Salary (25%)
  • Support Services (20%)
  • Workshops (10%)
  • Trans Health Guidebook (10%)
  • Rent (35%)
  • Staff Salary (25%)
  • Support Services (20%)
  • Workshops (10%)
  • Trans Health Guidebook (10%)

The T Project remains a humble organisation, trying to punch above its weight. Our funds come almost entirely from donations. So every single amount, no matter how modest, counts.

In addition, we ask that you please, please spread the word about this campaign to everyone you know who might share your belief in our work. We hate asking for money, but we do love seeing the flame of support ignite in new hearts.


You can make a donation via PayNow, bank transfer, or credit card.
Please note that if you donate with a credit card, fees do apply (which means less money to us!).

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We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kind support. So, in partnership with a few amazing, talented friends, we have come up with a set of T Project-exclusive rewards for every donation amount! Check them out here.

Please note that due to limited resources, we are unable to deliver outside of Singapore.

Reward Tiers

Click to what exciting rewards we have for you!

Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or messages of support! Please contact us.

*Please note that due to limited resources, we are unable to deliver outside of Singapore.